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Let's face it, as dog owners, we get pretty familiar with poop.  We are constantly monitoring our puppy's poop to keep track of their health.  Puppy poops are especially important to keep track of.  After you bring your new puppy home, the stress on their body can cause a flourish of parasites like worms, Giardia or coccidia that live in the intestinal lining of our pups that causes diarrhea.   These organisms and their eggs live in the soil, and our pups tend to start getting symptoms of Giardia or Coccidia right when we start to let them outside around 4-5 weeks old.  These organisms are everywhere and our adult dogs are exposed all of the time, but our puppies undeveloped immune system leaves the susceptible for a flourish of these parasites in their gut.  We treat our pups around this time with Panacur (fenbendazole) for mom and pups.  Panacur, which treats worms and Giardia, can be acquired from your vet, but you can also purchase Panacur granule powder online.  Many vets will let you drop off a poop sample (after you are an established client) to confirm the presence of any parasites without making an appointment.  Your vet will often prescribe Metronidazole as well to help treat your puppy's Giardia. 


We recommend not feeding your pup many treats or food other than their kibble for the first week or so that they come home.  This is so their stomach doesn't get upset or stressed at all and be more susceptible for parasites.  Your pup should be very motivated by their kibble, so if you want to start their training, you can absolutely use their kibble for their puppy training.  We also recommend adding probiotics and pumpkin powder to your puppy's food to help keep their gut healthy and happy.  Check out OUR FAVORITES page for the supplements we recommend and Panacur that you can get from Amazon. 



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